How to declutter mac
How to declutter mac

how to declutter mac

For the NVMe, the WD Blue SN570 is a good match, offering plenty of speed and reliability. It provides me with a 3-port Thunderbolt hub, but it also has both an M.2 NVMe SSD slot and a bay for a 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch SATA drive. This could mean a USB-connected SSD or even an M.2 NVMe SSD, if you have the capability.įor example, I’m using an OWC miniStack STX to help with file management.

how to declutter mac

It compares file names as well as the actual contents of the file, giving you a list of duplicate files you can easily delete from.įor the files you don’t want to ditch, but don’t really need right on your desktop, it’s worth considering offloading them to an external drive. It looks through your entire file system, finding duplicates in every corner. Gemini 2 is a quick, easy, and effective way to declutter your Mac’s filesįor this job, I’ve found Gemini 2 an invaluable tool. Uncovering these carbon copies and paring them down can go a long way towards decluttering your Mac. Perhaps it’s a picture you’ve exported from Photos several times, or a download you forgot you already had. Over time, you may find your Mac full of duplicate files. Cleaning Up Your Hard Drive for National Clean Your Desk Day Various Steam launchers I’ve put on my desktop will usually go into their own folder, especially if it’s a game I haven’t played in a while but don’t want to delete just yet. Screenshots can go in one folder, text files I’m still working with in another. I start off by figuring out what I need to keep, and then classify those files. The next step is organization create folders and folders within those folders.Ī place for everything, and everything in its place, the old adage goes. Yours may be similar, so how do we fix it? One thing to do is r educe the number of system icons, like your hard disks and external disks, show up on your desktop. My own Mac desktop gets cluttered with screenshots, text files, memes, and other miscellaneous icons. This applies to your Mac desktop as well as your physical desk, so let’s look at how you can tidy up that digital clutter. Research hints that a clean desk helps you keep your focus, be more productive, and just feel good in general about your workspace.

how to declutter mac

The idea is to get your workspace ready for the new year, kicking things off on the right note. The second Monday of each January is National Clean Your Desk Day.

How to declutter mac