Qemu vs virtualbox on windows
Qemu vs virtualbox on windows

qemu vs virtualbox on windows

$ qemu-img convert -f raw debian_10_Server.img -O qcow2 debian_10_Server.qcow2 Lastly, to migrate to KVM disk image format, convert the RAW image to qcow2 format which is the KVM disk image format.

qemu vs virtualbox on windows

Check RAW Image Disk Space Step 3: Convert RAW Image Disk Format to KVM Format We are later going to convert the RAW disk image to KVM disk format. In my case, the Debian RAW image takes up 21G of hard disk space, which is quite some enormous space. You can use the du command as shown to verify the size of the RAW image. When you investigate, you will notice that the RAW image format takes up an enormous amount of disk space. $ vboxmanage clonehd -format RAW /home/james/VirtualBox\ VMs/debian/debian.vdi debian_10_Server.img $ VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW /home/james/VirtualBox\ VMs/debian/debian.vdi debian_10_Server.img To achieve this, I’m going to run the commands below. The next step is to convert the VDI images into a RAW disk format.

Qemu vs virtualbox on windows